National Weather Alerts

National Weather Service Alerts

  • National Weather Alerts

    We have no control over rain, snow, sleet, wind, lightning or sunshine. But we can control what happens on our job (customer locations, our branch/office, or in our vehicle) as a result of the elements. Some of the biggest hazards are caused by wind and lightning.

    A Severe Thunderstorm Watch

     That means that conditions are favorable for a severe thunderstorm in the area(s) covered under the watch. A Severe Thunderstorm Warning That means that a severe thunderstorm has been spotted in the area either visually or via Doppler Radar. This could mean high winds, lightning and heavy rain.


A Tornado Watch

That means the conditions are favorable for a tornado in the area(s) covered under the Tornado Watch. You do not need to take cover, but you should keep an eye on the conditions and stay near a radio/tv/weather radio.

A Tornado Warning

That means that a tornado has been spotted in the area covered either visually by someone on the ground or via Doppler Radar. That means take cover immediately.

If you have a basement or a storm shelter in your home that is a good place to go. If you're not sure where to go at work or want help in determining the best place, check with the customer, your supervisor, or FEMA website at for detailed information on how to determine the safest place to be.

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